Pop-up Locations

Our intention is to continue in community yoga, meditation, health and wellness classes. Contact us if you have spaces we can roll-out mats and practice with you.

@4CYW In-person Classes.

The Great Hall, Codman Square Health Center
6 Norfolk St #3520, Boston, MA 02124
$12/pop-in, bring a mat, a friend, and support a wellness community.

Slow Flow with Ayla 6pm Mondays

Beginners Yoga with Eli 6PM Tuesdays

Starts 5/11 Saturday mornings with Lisa 9:30 AM HYBRID YIN YOGA online or in-person at the Great Hall.

Mondays - Slow Flow - 6-7pm - (Closed on Jan. 15th).
Tuesdays - Beginners Yoga - 6-7pm
Saturdays HYYoga 8-9am

Pay Here Pop-Up Yoga


Not a monthly member? No problem. Pay with QR code.